Company News
Why You Should Use Paper Straws At Your Next Gathering
You’ve probably heard about the commotion surrounding the use of plastic straws, right? They’re used so frequently in restaurants, events, and fast food that literally tons of them end up in the ocean every year. Plastic takes forever to break down into small particles, and it never r...Read more -
The Benefits When You Buy Paper Straws In Bulk
The switch from plastic to paper straws might not appear to be that beneficial to businesses in the first instance. Initially, for example, if you compare the cost, then paper straws are clearly more expensive than their plastic equivalent. However, it’s all a matter of perspective. Split the cos...Read more -
Whether you’re a small business or a huge multi-national, making the change from plastic to paper straws bulk usage may seem like an inconvenience at best; an unwelcome additional expense at worst. It may also seem unnecessary. Surely straws aren’t that much of a hazard by themselves when you com...Read more